Wednesday, September 10, 2008


welcome to my blogroll. :) on this page i've compiled links to the following:
  • haiku poetry blogs
  • poetry blogs
  • haiku poem prompt sites (where i go to try to come up with something to write about)
  • philippine blogs (how i try to stay in touch with the local blogosphere)
  • other blogs
this is my one stop for determining where to go, when i have some blog wandering free time. :) hope you find these lists helpful as well. :)



  1. Hmm.. nice list. The first blogroll arrangement that I've seen. =)

  2. thanks for the comment, gem. :)

    wow. you made it all the way here. :) yup. had my blogroll on the sidebar at first, but then it just outgrew that space. so now it has its own place here. :) quite useful for me. :)

  3. added ur blog to my health zap list. also added u to my other blog pls also add it to ur list. thx

  4. thanks for the comment, jhun. :)

    and thanks for the link. :) i'm happy to reciprocate as i enjoy going through your blogs.


important haiku poems:

pink for october: breast cancer awareness month

freerice: each correct answer = a donation of rice

mefindhome: adopt a homeless cat or dog in the philippines

the hunger site: click daily to give free food

goodsearch: each search = about a 1 cent donation

freeplay: support a great foundation through goodsearch

kiva: loans that change lives, around the world

recent haiku poems:

The Hunger Site Help end world hunger The Breast Cancer Site

haiku poetry blogs list